Sunday 3 April 2011


There is a trend among Kenyan Preachers of having a translator during their services. The Main preacher guy will say a sentence in English and the translator will follow either in swahili or in one of the local languages. This bilingual business has gone to the extent that some tv programs have a dude doing sign language. This I get. It helps to ensure the message goes to as many people as possible.
What I dont get is the trend I have noticed in some Kampala Tv channels. The guys import a mexican soap opera (how come its only the mexicans who can make soaps?) which is originally in spanish. The Americans have done a pretty good job of muting the spanish and getting some english speaking actors to do a do-over. Some dude in Kampala then decides he can now add a LUGANDA voice. And he doesnt even mute the english voice nor does he try to make an accurate translation. What you end up getting is a confused badly done translation of the soap. When you see a group of chics arguing about what Paloma said or Adriano dreamt..... dont blame them. Blame the translator!
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